Home Ship - Vessel Traffic Service

the necessary services
The Maritime Traffic Service (STM) aims to improve safety, traffic flow and protect the environment. It is operated by the lookouts of Marseille (eastern basins) and Port de Bouc (western basins).
The VHF watch "Marseille Port Control" and "Fos Port Control" is carried out on channel 12.
The description of the VTS and the procedures to be followed for vessels are described in the Inter-Referential Order establishing the GPMM Maritime and River Regulation Area and regulating the Vessel Traffic Service and various measures relating to the security of the GPMM.
The role of the pilot is to assist the master of the vessel in the entry, exit and any manoeuvre within the harbour by providing technical expertise and local expertise.
The zones and the limits of length of the ships for which pilotage is obligatory are defined in the inter-referential decree on the creation of the marine and fluvial zone of regulation of the GPMM and regulating the service of marine traffic and various relative measures to the safety of the GPMM. The service is provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Contact :
Professional Union of Pilots of the Ports of Marseille and the Gulf of Fos
1 rue Henri Tasso
Tél : 04 91 14 29 10
Fax : 04 91 56 65 79
Towing is provided by the company Boluda, with a fleet of 11 tugs distributed between the east and west basins. This service is not mandatory, except in special cases provided for by local regulations. The STM may, in coordination with the pilotage, impose a tug if safety conditions so require.
Contact :
Boluda Marseille Fos
Quai de la Lèque - 13110 PORT DE BOUC
Bp 205 - 13528 PORT DE BOUC
Tél : 04 42 40 72 00
Fax : 04 42 40 05 05
Texts governing the towing activity in the Grand Port Maritime of Marseille:
Special Prefectural Order of Police in the Grand Port Maritime of Marseille - and its annex - taken in application of the provisions of Article 10 of the General Regulation of Police of the Ports Maritimes de Commerce et de Pêche relating to the exercise of the Towing.
Prefectural decree relative to the procedure of fixing of the rates of harbour towing in the Great Port Maritime of Marseille.
mooring services
Dockers provide mooring operations for vessels and other ancillary services to vessels or safety. The service is provided 24/7.
Contact :
Co-operative mooring services Corporation of Ports of Marseille and the Gulf of Fos
2 quai de la Joliette – Hangar J0
CS 40011
13304 MARSEILLE cedex 02
Text governing the docking activity in the Grand Port Maritime of Marseille:
Particuliar Prefectural Decree of Police in the Grand Port Maritime de Marseille taken in application of the provisions of Article 10 of the General Regulations of Police of Maritime Ports, Commerce and Fishing relating to the exercise of mooring services.
Single Port Window

Application optimized to work with Google Chrome, highly recommended, and compatible from Internet Explorer 11 and Firefox 41
The "Neptune Port" solution integrates the "Single Port Window" GUP, to comply with European directive 2010/65.
It is a question of allowing the declarants of the ports of the European Union to carry out their administrative formalities in dematerialised form. The interim solution, in effect since June 1, 2015, has been replaced by a solution that is fully integrated into the Neptune Port application.
Download files - GUP
Access to the GUP in Neptune Port is now done from the National Single Window (NSW) tab of the port of call file. You can download the FAL5 (Crew List) and FAL 6 (Passenger List) Excel file formats as well as the ISP.
Hot Line utilisateur
who to contact if you need help ?
Enhanced user hotline support is implemented for Neptune Port startup:
Placement Ships East Basin : 04 91 39 46 41
Placement Ships West Basin : 04 42 40 60 35
Mail : assistance.neptuneport@marseille-port.fr
You do not yet have a user account to access Neptune Port
All users reported in Escale V2 Nautique have received their login via email. If you need a new user account in Neptune Port, you can apply using the attached form. It will be dealt with as soon as possible.

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